School safety has become everyone’s responsibility. The Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) is a mission-driven, research-based, non-political place for individuals to get involved in one of the most pressing issues of our time.

PASS is an IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, so your gift is tax deductible.

Did you know that there are no national regulations, rules, or even guidelines for significant school crises such as active shooters? That’s right. We keep our kids safe from fires with such procedures and laws. And since we’ve implemented them, there have been zero deaths from fires in schools.

We can do the same thing for other school crises.

That’s why PASS was founded: to provide schools—and kids—common best practices for physical school safety and security.

Your support helps us, an all-volunteer team, research and update our school safety and security guidelines, continue to find and develop relationships and partners to keep our work going, and train schools, school districts, and others how to implement them.

Someday, with your help, we’ll spread our mission to every corner of every school so that each and every one of our kids is safe and secure where they learn.

Portrait of excited elementary school students on the playing field at recess

Suggested Giving Levels

School Safety Backer - $150

  • Printed certificate that can be posted in a school of your choice.
  • Talking points document to use to advocate for PASS guidelines in schools of your choice.

School Safety Advocate - $500

  • Backer benefits, plus:
  • Name and likeness identified on PASS donor appreciation web page.

School Safety Supporter - $1,000

  • Advocate benefits, plus:
  • Name and likeness identified in training slide decks and PASS materials.
  • Inclusion in PASS email announcing support.

School Safety Ally - $2,500

  • Supporter benefits, plus:
  • Inclusion in PASS press release.

School Safety Champion - $5,000

  • Ally benefits, plus:
  • Seat on the forthcoming PASS Executive Director’s Roundtable.
  • One-hour presentation by PASS trainer to a school of your choice.

School Safety Defender - $10,000

  • Champion benefits, plus:
  • Name a teacher, mentor or K-12 school name to a digital PASS Wall of Honor, honoring those making significant contributions to school safety.
  • Founding naming rights for a future PASS scholarship.

to PASS Today!


Donate to PASS

Choose your level of support or select other to enter a custom amount. If selecting other, please enter numbers only. Then, select the donate button to proceed.

Item Charge
Donation $NONE
Fees ( 3% ) $NONE
Total $No Charge