White Papers
Ways to Improve School Parking Lot Safety
Ways to Improve School Parking Lot Safety for K-12 Schools.
Leadership – Achieving Clarity in Your Comprehensive School Safety Plan
Best practices to achieve clarity in your comprehensive school safety plan for K-12 Schools.
Visitor Management Systems
Visitor Management System Best Practices to Enhance School Safety and Security
Funding for School Security
Grants can provide crucial funding to schools. This white paper outlines resources to find funding sources for school safety and security.
Duress Systems Recommendations
Duress systems are essential to school security. This white paper outlines best practice recommendations to assist districts in selecting duress systems.
Secure Visitor Entry Center
Visitor entry is the most critical area to secure for all schools. This white paper discusses best practices and mechanics for securing them.
The Role of Vape Sensors in Prevention Efforts to Address the Epidemic of Student E-Cigarette Use
The U.S. Surgeon General declared youth e-cigarette use to be a public health epidemic in 2018. However, student e-cigarette use continues to be pervasive and damaging. This white paper delves into the role of vape sensors in the prevention of student e-cigarette use.
PASS Guidelines Among Department of Justice COPS’ Recommendations for Reducing School Violence
The Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program’s document, “10 Essential Actions to Improve School Safety,” is available for free download.
Caution Needed on Fever Screening Technologies
Thermal imaging solutions are being considered as a possible means for screening people entering schools for fever, which is a measurable symptom of COVID-19; however, safety practitioners should proceed with caution before deploying these solutions and use this guide to aid their decision process.
PASS Recommendations for Appropriate Drills: Why They Are Essential to Every School Safety Program
Creating a safe environment so children and educators can focus on learning is the goal of school security and safety professionals. Drills and exercises are part of a comprehensive approach to ensuring a safe learning environment, and our best practices should reflect this.